Monday, July 7, 2014

Gallery Wall Inspiration

I've very briefly mentioned on the blog that Scott and I will be moving in the middle of the month!  I'm so giddy about our move it's borderline obnoxious.  Let's get real here, this is my first "adult" apartment since I was a Junior in college and rented a condo in Boston's South End neighborhood.

One of the most exciting things about the new place is, it will be our first apartment as a married couple and our last apartment before we purchase a condo.  It will hold a lot of special memories for us, and my heart swells just thinking about it.

I'm excited to decorate the new place and to test my creativity as it relates to interior design.  I've stalked polyvore for some inspiration for my Gallery Wall and this is what I have come up with!
Gallery Wall Inspiration

What do you think?  Don't you think this will look gorge as a Gallery Wall?



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