Monday, June 30, 2014

Monogram Dreams #MonogramMondays

Happy Monday you guys! 

I've been getting pretty giddy over the thought of being able to start wearing monogrammed accessories soon.  If y’all don’t know already, I’ll be heading to the chapel (so to speak) in November (eeek!) and will finally have a middle name. When my parents and I came to the States they directly translated my name from Chinese leaving me without a middle name. In our culture the family name always comes first, then the middle name and lastly the first name.  My name was translated with my middle name (Le) as part of my first name, leaving me without a middle name.  I mean… I was the original North West… sorry KimYe, what you thought was edgy and unique turned out to be pretty basic. Ha. just kidding.  We love everyone here at Lace and Full of Grace, no hate.  Okay, back to my story, so I’ll be changing my Last Name to my middle name and becoming LTT!  

I already have a bracelet and ring picked out to purchase.  A gorgeous necklace in my possession to wear on my wedding day from Jennifer Zeuner, who I had the pleasure to meet at Neiman Marcus last year!  She’s so lovely and talented.  If you’re not familiar with her jewelry you must check her out.  Click here for her Website. 

What are some of your fave monogram items?  I've been swooning over the items below... 




Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wine, Dine and Dressed to the Nines

Earlier this week I met up with some dear girlfriends for dinner at this new restaurant in Chicago, Bottlefork.  Sadly, it started to rain downpour just as we arrived, so any chance of us sitting outside was quickly eliminated.  We sat towards the back of the cozy restaurant and I quickly caught a chill and wished I had packed a scarf or pashmina.  I made a mental note for the future, to always slip a scarf into my bag.

I made an inspiration board via Polyvore for my next Wine and Dine date with my girlfriends.  And I had to include a scarf and my favorite lipstick of all time!  

Dinner Friend Dates

What are some of your go to pieces for dinner dates with friends?




Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Scrappy's Corner

It's no surprise for those who know me that I am simply obsessed with my pup, Scrappy.

Scrappy is a 2 1/2 year old Silky Terrier my fiancĂ© and I rescued from the Anti-Cruelty Society  in 2012.  He is the love of our lives and we simply cannot imagine a life without him.  About a year ago, we purchased an online deal for BarkBox for Scrappy, a monthly goodie subscription for dogs.  10% of BarkBox's proceeds get donated to pups in need and all the goodies that come in the boxes are things that have been carefully curated to include only the highest quality treats and toys for your four legged family member.  

I plan to include Scrappy's next BarkBox delivery on the blog, keep your eyes out for it!  



Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Brooks Brother Semi-Annual Sale

I love a good sale. I am your stereotypical lady who easily gets swept off her feet by this simple four letter word.. SALE.  So when I saw this Brooks Brothers' tweet about their Semi-Annual Sale, I had to head directly to their website and do a little "window shopping" (what is the internet version of that term?).  Earlier in the day, I purchased a pair of shorts and a shirt for Scott, the fiancĂ©, via, which he graciously thanked me for then reminded me that we have a wedding to pay off.  HA!  Like I would forget!

Scott's new wardrobe additions; Shirt, Shorts

 Here are some item's I'm swooning over from the sale.



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Monday, June 23, 2014

Cheers! First Post

I'm so so (how many so's can I write to get my point across?) excited to be launching this blog.   This weekend officially marked the 5 month mark until I said au revoir to being a "Miss" and welcome the new title as a Misses.  With the wedding countdown in full swing now, I thought this would be a beautiful time to use this blog as a space to to unwind and de-stress by sharing some of my favorite things with others.
